Exploring you

An important part of the college experience is the opportunity to explore who you are and what's important to you when it comes to why you're in college and how you will reach your ultimate goals.

FOCUS 2 Career

Among the many tools for exploring your interests, skills, values and personality is FOCUS 2 Career. This resource is free for all Ohio State students to use and offers a variety of self-assessments that can help you determine your academic and professional potential. 

We encourage you to complete any or all of the five self-assessments available in Focus 2 Career and review the results with your Exploration advisor.

The five self-assessments you will find in Focus 2 Career are: Work Interest, Personality, Leisure, Values and Skills

Make a career coaching appointment

Career coaching through Buckeye Careers can form part of a powerful one-two punch with University Exploration advising. Through career coaching students can explore their "why?" while seeking individualized advice and answers regarding careers, internships, graduate or professional school and transitioning from student to professional. Career coaches will help you clarify your goals, explore personal concerns and develop an individualized career plan. 

To make an appointment, log-in to your Handshake account, click “Career Center,” and click “Appointments.” From there, you will be able to schedule an appointment with a Buckeye Careers coach. 

All Ohio State undergraduate, graduate, professional and post-doctoral students have free access to Handshake through their @osu.edu email address. For questions regarding your Handshake access, please contact handshake@osu.edu

A thought-provoking writing prompt

Reflect on the questions below. Do any of them resonate with you? Write down your thoughts. Completing this exercise might spark some ideas you want to bring up with your Exploration advisor in your next appointment!

  1. You are asked to dedicate one year of your time toward addressing one problem in the world. To what cause would you want to dedicate your year?
  2. What is an accomplishment you are proud of achieving?
  3. You earn a lucrative deal to write a book over the next year. What will you write about?
  4. What was your favorite project that you’ve done in school? How about outside of school?
  5. When you have time to read for pleasure what do you choose to read?
  6. What do your friends like best about you?
  7. What would your 85-year-old self regret not trying today?
  8. What would you like to be an expert in?